Forty HSE Doctoral Students Win Russian Foundation for Basic Research Competition
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research announced the results of the first project competition for doctoral students studying in Russian universities and research organizations. Among the winners are forty doctoral students from HSE University, whose projects will receive support over the next two years.
This is the first time the Russian Foundation for Basic Research has organised the competition specially for doctoral students. The competition aims to help young researchers complete their dissertations and gain employment in the academic market.
Rather than the graduate students themselves, it was the research and education organisations where they are pursuing their doctoral degrees that participated in the competition. The programmes submitted applications for certain doctoral students and their projects, and the Competition Committee selected the best of them in 16 areas in social and economic sciences, humanities, natural and engineering sciences.
‘HSE University submitted 50 doctoral student projects, and, of them, 40 received support from the foundation, which proves that HSE doctoral students conduct high quality research,’ notes Elena Kobzar, Head of the Office of Doctoral Studies.
In accordance with the terms of the competition, grant recipients will have to prepare several academic articles for journals indexed in international databases, while their dissertations must be accepted for defence by their dissertation committees within a year after the end of the project.