Strengthening Cooperation between BRICS Countries in Research
On June 24—25, 2013 Professor Mariano Laplane, President of the Center for Strategic Studies and Management in Science, Technology and Innovation (CGEE), Brazil, visited HSE. As a result, an Agreement of Understanding was signed, which defined the areas for further cooperation between the Center and Higher School of Economics.
"Foresight-Russia", issue 2, 2013
A new issue of the "Foresight-Russia" journal is out of print. The issue contains two articles prepared by experts from Italia and the US respectively who share best practice of evaluating and enhancing innovation performance at regional level. A Microsoft representative considers ethical aspects of the widespread penetration of ICT. Therewith the journal presents a revised macroeconomic forecast for Russia and reviews key events held by ISSEK in the framework of the XIV HSE April International Academic Conference.
Giulio Perani: ‘I am always very happy to meet students and researchers from the HSE’
On June 14, 2013 a visiting expert Giulio Perani delivered a lecture on 'Measuring Innovation beyond Enterprises: Options and Challenges' at the National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE). The event was organised by the HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation.
Lessons of Evaluation
29th April — 3rd May, 2013 Stanislav Zaichenko and Sergey Bredikhin, researchers at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), took part in the Executive Education Course “Evaluation of Science and Innovation Policies” organised by the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR), University of Manchester, Great Britain.
Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement
Edward Elgar Publishing has published a multi-author book "Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement". Two chapters are prepared by the HSE ISSEK specialists.
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future
A multi-author book “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future. Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies” edited by Dirk Meissner, Leonid Gokhberg and Alexander Sokolov is published by Springer Publishing House.
A Series of HSE Working Papers "Science, Technology, Innovation" — Six Months
At the end of September, 2012 Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) launched "Science, Technology and Innovation" (STI) working paper series in the framework of the Higher School of Economics “Working Papers of the Basic Research Program” (HSE WP BRP). Currently it is one of the youngest among all HSE WP BRP series, nevertheless the most popular among them.
HSE Report 'Knowledge Intensive Business Services for Public Needs' presented at the University of Urbino
An international conference on 'Innovation in the Public Sector and the Development of e-services' was held on April 18 and 19 at the University of Urbino, Italy. Elena Shadrina, Associate Professor at the Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management at HSE in Perm, shared her impressions of the conference.
XIV April International Academic Conference: Interview with Mu Rongping
Speaker on the ISSEK section Mu Rongping, director of the Institute of Policy and Management of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, shared Chinese experience in policy making based on long-term Foresights.
XIV April International Academic Conference: Interview with Jonathan Linton
Speaker on the ISSEK section Jonathan Linton, professor at the Ottawa University and editor-in-chief of the Technovation journal, described applying Foresight methodology and road maps to increase universities’ efficiency.