HSE Staff and Students Conference to Elect New Academic Council
20 марта 2019 года состоится Конференция работников и обучающихся ВШЭ. Этот коллегиальный орган управления университета собирается раз в пять лет. Предыдущая конференция проводилась в 2014 году. ИСИЭЗ на конференции представят пять делегатов.
Why Foreign Students are Flocking to Russia
The OZY portal, citing the results of research by Alena Nefedova from HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Economics of Innovation writes about Russian education as the “soft power” of the state.
Joint Platform for Russian-Korean Cooperation
On January 28, HSE and the Korea-Russia Science and Technology Cooperation Centre (KORUSTEC) jointly hosted a Korean-Russian Open Lecture on Science and Technology Policy at HSE University in Moscow. Founded in 1990 following a Korean-Russian Cooperation Agreement, KORUSTEC was re-opened in 2007 as the Moscow office of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), bringing together six similar centres in various Russian cities (NRF is similar to the USA’s National Science Foundation).
Leonid Gokhberg Receive 1st Class Honour Award of the HSE University
HSE staff members were awarded honour awards of the university at the meeting of the Academic Council that was held on December 21.
Patents as Reference Points in the Search for Scientific Breakthroughs
The National Training Workshop for Technology and Innovation Support Centres’ personnel ended on 29 November, 2018 at the Higher School of Economics; it was organised by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Rospatent, and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIIP), and lasted for three days at various venues. HSE experts presented their approaches to patent analysis, and legal protection of intellectual property. According to the workshop participants, the university’s research in patent statistics and big data analysis (which is playing an increasingly important role in the area) was most impressive, and contributed to extending knowledge horizons.
Innovation Supercluster to Appear in Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 672 on November 26 “On the creation of an innovation cluster in Moscow,” thus putting in motion an initiative of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin that the Higher School of Economics had played an active role in developing. Throughout the past year, HSE specialists studied the best practices of the world’s innovative megacities, worked with the Moscow government to hold a series of expert discussions on the principles of forming an innovation supercluster, and developed a draft concept establishing guidelines for interactions between potential cluster participants. Over time, the planned supercluster has the potential to embrace Moscow’s entire advanced-technology economy.
The Transition to the New Indicators in Measuring Science, Technology, Innovation
Researchers at the ISSEK HSE Laboratory for Economics of Innovation Vitaliy Roud and Ekaterina Dyachenko share with some observations from fields of three science conference where were discussed current trends and new measurement tools of science, technology and innovation.
BRICS Countries Catching Up with EU and US in Publication Activity, According to Scopus
HSE ISSEK researchers Maxim Kotsemir and Sergey Shashnov have reviewed the BRICS countries' research landscape using data from 2000—2015 from the Scopus citation database. They found that academic activity in the BRICS is growing at a fast pace and catching up with that of the EU countries and the US.
Evgeniy Kutsenko on Moscow’s 30th Place in the Global Innovation Index 2018
On 10 July, the Global Innovation Index 2018 was published. In the new ranking, Russia holds the 46 th place out of 126, while Moscow made it into the top 30 of the world’s most innovative cities. In his Rusbase column Evgeniy Kutsenko, head of the HSE ISSEK Russian Cluster Observatory, commented on the factors which have contributed to the capital city’s impressive success.
Workshop Explores the Challenges and Opportunities of International Research and Innovation Partnerships
On May 17–18, 2018, HSE Moscow held an international workshop entitled ‘Transnational research and innovation partnerships. Designing international co-operation projects to deliver on economic competitiveness and the grand challenges’.