Presentation of new research international laboratories, the Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation and the Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies
On June 15, the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) organized a presentation of its new research units — two international laboratories, the Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation led by Ian Miles, and the Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, which will be headed by Jean Guinet.
Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation: Priority Tasks and Crucial Tradeoffs
In the framework of an open panel session of the Expert Group № 5 Jean Guinet has presented the report «Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation: Priority Tasks and Crucial Tradeoffs».
New Areas for Use of Bibliometric Methods
On May 20th Prof. Yves Gingras has delivered a “New Areas for Use of Bibliometric Methods” at the HSE. The event has been organized by the Research Laboratory of Science and Technology Studies, HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
Statistical Measurement of Innovation in the EU
On May 27, 2011 Giulio Perani (ISTAT, Italy), one of the leading experts in statistics of science, technology and innovation, delivered a seminar on "Statistical Measurement of Innovation in the EU"
Measurement of Emerging/Enabling and General Purpose Technologies
On May 25, 2011 the HSE Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation organized Research workshop “Measurement of Emerging/Enabling and General Purpose Technologies”
Use of Bibliometric Methods in History and Sociology of Science: From Einstein to DNA
"Use of Bibliometric Methods in History and Sociology of Science: From Einstein to DNA" Workshop by Prof. Yves Gingras, May 18
S & T in the Context of Globalization: The Internationalization of Scientific Research
On May 16th Prof. Yves Gingras has delivered a workshop "S & T in the Context of Globalization: The Internationalization of Scientific Research" at the HSE.
The Use of Bibliometric Methods for Research Evaluation
On May 12th Prof. Yves Gingras has delivered a workshop "The Use of Bibliometric Methods for Research Evaluation" at the HSE. The event has been organized by the Research Laboratory of Science and Technology Studies, HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
'Russia Has A Very Good Analytical Capability'
Interview with Ian Miles, participant of the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Professor at the University of Manchester and Academic Supervisor of the Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation which was created last year as part of the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.